"Own The Ground You Walk On!"
Christopher Hicks

Armor Up Self Protection
is system devoted to teaching individuals how to take action when your life or the life of your loved ones is on the line.
Our world in the last few years has developed a cancer.
No one is coming to save you! The police have been defunded and down graded. Who is going to be there for You, your family, or your friends?
Self defense is your god given right! The shame is there are some many people selling you snake oil offering false hope and false promises.
Armor Up Self Protection
Teaches you how to develop a warrior’s mindset, to act Decisively in chaotic and dangerous environments empowering you to protect Your self and the ones you love. This is NOT a martial art, but a streamlined Self Protection System that gives you the understanding of when, how and what to do when you find yourself facing a violent and dangerous situation.
Students learn:
Explosive striking
Basic weapons handling AND
Environmental awareness and analysis.
All classes are conducted in a safe environment, allowing beginning students to gain confidence under stressful conditions, while advancing students are continually challenged with increased scenario training and learning to cope with tactical disadvantages / group protection responsibilities.
Take the steps needed to insure your safety and the safety of the ones you love.
Cultivate your warrior spirit, learn to move through your fears, become a Protector.
Learn to.. Armor Up!!!

F.I.S.T. Seminar graduation Feminine Instinctive Survival Training

Always smiles after the sweating, when we finish

Action Stance , Shields UP!


Chin Jab!

This teaches you how to move effectively around the human body while striking
ZOE K. - Hermosa, CA
"Christopher Hicks is a masterful trainer. F.I.S.T. is a comprehensive system for understanding and practicing self-protection both mentally and physically. He runs a space in which all women of all shapes, sizes, and ages can feel comfortable and respected. I started the class way out of my comfort zone and left hungry for more. F.I.S.T. should be required training for all women!
John B. - Studio City ,Ca
"I had a near-violent encounter with a man living in a homeless encampment near my house. To make matters worse, a local gang moved in to distribute drugs out of the tents, knowing the police couldn’t search the tents without a court-order. I expressed concern to my personal trainer about my ability to handle these situations, given the police aren’t “readily available in the moment” and he said I should call Chris Hicks. Ironically, I knew Chris from my gym where he taught a self-defense class, though I never took it myself. This training is not about “fighting skills” like martial arts or any system requiring years of practice and a high level of physical conditioning. It’s about handling a violent situation where rules of engagement, moral-ethical norms, justice or decency are non-existent and you have a very short window of time to disrupt the attack; or as Chris says, “7 seconds to safe”. You don’t need to be in great shape to be able to learn what he teaches; the challenge is almost entirely mental. Chris will have you do many things that will give you pause and this is the greatest benefit - overcoming hesitancy to act effectively in a state fear and anxiety. Counter-intuitively, learning how to effectively respond to physical aggression has had mental benefits I never expected. It’s helped me be more assertive and I’ve become more comfortable saying the word “No” in a way that’s not reactive to fear or anxiety. For me personally, Chris and his Armor Up program has been extremely worthwhile both in its stated purpose and beyond. I would recommend it to anyone.
Christy S. - Corona,Ca
If you have ever felt scared, threatened or violated, you are not the only one. So many have felt that same way on so many different levels. You can take control and conquer your fears, insecurities and the possibility of being attacked in the future. You do not have to be a victim or watch someone else be the victim. You have the power and control in your life to make changes. I feel and know that I am a strong woman, who is able to handle a lot of different situations. This training course really put my fears and insecurities out in the open for me to evaluate and conquer. We were put into real scenarios against attackers and tested to the limit. Let me tell how amazing it felt to Kick Ass! I have some bruises and sore muscles, but at the end of the 24 hours I felt amazing and so strong on so many levels. I know that if I am faced with an attacker, I will be able to stay focused and save myself. I value all people and I came away from this experience with a new value of myself as well as others